Sunday, September 19, 2010

"Lindsay Lohan Admits to Failing Drug Test"

According to Fox News, 24 year old actress Lindsay Lohan has admitted to failing another drug test. The article tells that this is a probation violation and should receive more jail time. She was sentenced to 3 months in jail in July and 3 months of rehab for violating probation from previous charges.  Her pior offenses were from drug charges and a DUI. She only ended up spending 2 weeks in jail and 23 days in a rehabilitaion treatment center. I find this article to be interesting because her celebrity status allows her to continue to break the law and get away with less punishment. She claims she has an addiction that she is fighting. I understand addictions, however, her sobriety never seems to be a priority. I think that it is sad and unfortunate that celebrities who break the law are allowed to be given special treatment. Every offense should be given equal punishment for everyone.

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