Friday, November 26, 2010

The Immigration Situation

At one point in time all of us had ancestors who migrated here from another country. People came to America to live a dream and make a better life for their families. This is still the goal for most immigrants today. Arizona tried to pass a controverial bill regarding immigration which did not pass.  Arizona's SB 1070 would authrize police to check the immigration status of anyone who is being investigated for another suspected crime. Immigrants would be required to carry their papers along with them everywhere they went. The problem with this law is that it would leave the door open for racial profiling. I am a U.S. citizen, so were my parents, and so were my grandparents, but my skin color is brown. If this law was passed, nothing would stop me from being discriminated against because of my skin color. I would be afraid of driving by a cop because I know he would be looking for a reason to pull me over and make sure I was legal. America is a melting pot with people of different colors and cultures. I understand that illegal immigration is a problem and that if people are living here they should pay taxes and contribute to society. If immigrants cause problems here they should be deported. I understand that Arizona was trying to find a solution to illegal immigration, however, this law was a bad solution and should have been given more thought before it came to the public's attention. We should focus on a reasonable way to deal with immigration in this country and try to think about why our ancestors came to America in the first place. It is a compliment to our country that people risk their lives to come here. No matter where we were born or what color our skin is, we are all humans, and need to learn to work together for the sake of our nation.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Marijuana Should be legal across the United States, Really

I was interested in my classmate Noree Vo's blog, America Today!!!!,  as soon as I read the title "Marijua Should Be Legal Across The United States". When reading the title I imagined I was going to hear reasons to legalize marijuana across the country. Legalizing medical marijuana is a whole diffent issue then legalizing it to all citizens of age.I agree that marijuna should be legal for medical purposes, as it has the ability to help people with several different medical conditions. I also agree with legalizing it to citizens over 18 years of age. Annual American deaths that are caused by drugs have tobacco as the leading cause followed by alcohol. After those two, other illegal drugs, caffeine, and asprin. Marijuana had no cases. I believe that the main reason for not legalizing it is because of the income it brings in on charges relating to possession. A reason listed in this blog to legalize marijuana is to reduce law enforcement. I don't see that helping any if we are just talking about legalizing it for medical reasons, but maybe if it's legal for everyone. Law enforcement or health are not the concern on this issue, it's money.