Tuesday, December 7, 2010

God? Bless America...Please From Me Too

In my classmate A. Wyndham's blog American Pie, She describes the disturbing facts about issues Ameica is facing today. The aricle is called "God? Bless America...Please?" Wyndam writes about several problems including the environment, unwed boys and girls sleeping around, STDs, the National debt, abortion, and education to name a few. The article begins with how Christians have lost a firm sense of the title Christian. Just from reading the title, I already knew religion would be a basis of the article. Wyndham ends the article with a biblical quote from 2 Chroncles 7:14, Americans must "humble themselves, Pray and seek His Face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land." I appreciate Wyndham's religious views and her taking advantage of her first ammendment rights. I admire her acknowledgement of God and the lack of him in our society. She mentioned that our forefather's are probably rolling around in their grave for us ignoring the knowledge that they tried to pass down to us. Wyndham talks about wanting her kids to grow up in a good place and I think she is teaching them good values. It is good to know that there are still good Christians in this world.

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