Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tea Party Pooper

At first glance, the Tea Party appeared to be a positive for our country. Although extreme, they are a passionate group. These people are conservative and want to make sure the government does not have too much power. They say they are concerned with our rights according to the constitution.  At second glance, party seems like the wrong word to associate with these people. They are angry and pessimistic about every issue imaginable. They say they are not happy with Obama, health care, taxes, government spending, and on and on. I am confused on whether they want to become a third party or if they just want to push the Republican party more to the right. This party consists of predominantly white, middle aged males, with higher levels of education then the average American and higher incomes as well. Even though these members of the community claim to be fighting to prevent socialism, when asked in a poll, their main concern is with Economics. Oh, and don't forget they are in favor of Social Security and Medicare even though these are government programs. This seems to be a little selfish, they want what's best for their pocket books. Government, don't get involved in our lives, except when we benefit from it. The Tea Party claims that Obama favors the poor and ignores the middle and upper classes. But what more do they want? If we don't take care of the poor, our country will become just like a third world country; more crime, more homeless, and many many more sad stories of people who are not able to take care of themselves. So, until the Tea Party gets more organized and proves that their interests are not selfish, I am not going to R.S.V.P to this party.

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